Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book Review #23 - ரூஹ்: Rooh - A Novel in Tamil by Lakshmi Saravanakumar லஷ்மி சரவணகுமார்

Image result for rooh tamil novelரூஹ்: Rooh - A Novel in Tamil by Lakshmi Saravanakumar லஷ்மி சரவணகுமார்My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Rooh is a soulful experience! After reading Rooh you will realize that it's time to spread love unconsciously.
The first 30% of the novel was slow, dark and dense but that's the reason it got cooked well! it made the reader to prepare and dwell in it. The formatting of the Kindle version could have been better.

You can be Jothilingam if you have faced childhood mockery or came across a abusive workplace.
You can be Rabia if you were someone who lifted someone when they were down.

Rooh is a soulful experience! after completion of this book it made me complie a playlist of Sufi songs and Qawwali songs which are setting the mood right and the link to playlist is here
Rooh PlayList


Past: Story details how the journey begins with Ahamed who belongs to the past with a mission to guard something very precious and his encounter with the Great Maratha Kind Angre.

Present: We are told about Jothilingam the main protagonist then Anwar and also how Rabia is related to Jothilingam and Anwar.

Quotes From The Book புத்தகத்திலிருந்து சில மேற்கோள்கள்

"அறிவின் மீது பற்று கொண்டவர்கள் விளக்கைப் போன்றவர்கள். தன்னைச் சுற்றியிருக்கும் எல்லோருக்கும் ஒளியைப் பகிர்ந்தளிக்கும் குணம் அவர்களுக்கு இயல்பிலேயே வந்துவிடுகிறது."

"அறிந்த எல்லாவற்றிலிருந்தும் துண்டித்துக் கொண்ட பிறகான மனிதர்களை மனம் பிறழ்ந்தவர்கள் என்று சொல்வது எப்படி சரியாகும்? "

"ஒவ்வொரு மனிதரோடும் நாம் ஏற்படுத்திக் கொள்ளும் இடைவெளிதான் ஒருவேளை முதுமையா?"

"வாழ்வின் மீதான இச்சைதான் ஒரு மாலுமிக்கு எப்போதும் அவசியம். அந்த இச்சைதான் அவனையும் அவனோடு கப்பலில் பயணிக்கும் மற்றவர்களையும் பாதுகாப்பாய் வைத்திருக்கிறது."

"தேவையின் போது கடந்த காலத்தைய தவறுகளில் இருந்து தன்னைத் திருத்திக் கொண்டு ஒரு மனிதன் வாழ்வை நெறிப்படுத்துவதற்கு பெயர் அனுபவமென்றால், அன்வர் இப்பொழுது அனுபவசாலி."

"அள்ளிக்குடிக்க முடியுமென்பதற்காக மனிதன் கடலைக் குடித்துவிடத் துடிப்பது பேதமை."

"சொந்த ஊர்க்காரர்களிடம் மரியாதையை சம்பாதிக்க ஒரு மனிதன் வேறு ஊர்களுக்குப் பஞ்சம் பிழைக்க போகவேண்டியிருப்பதை துரதிர்ஷ்டமென்றுதான் சொல்லவேண்டும்."

"எப்படியும் தளைத்து விடவேண்டுமென்கிற நம்பிக்கையைப் பற்றிக் கொண்டிருக்கும் செடிகளுக்கு மழையே ஜீவநீர்."

"இதில்லாமல் வாழ இயலாதென்கிற தேவைக்கும், இதற்காகத்தான் வாழ்கிறோம் என்கிற ஆசைக்கும் அப்பாற்பட்டது பேராசை. வாழ்வை கொஞ்சம் கூடுதலாய் மேம்படுத்திக் கொள்வதற்கான போராட்டத்தில் மனிதர்கள் இந்த பேராசைகளிடம்தான் ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் தோற்றுப்போகிறார்கள்."

"வெறுப்பதை விடவும் ஒருவரை நேசித்தல் எளிது, தன்னால் நேசிக்கவே முடியாதென மனம் சொல்லும் போது அமைதியாக ஒதுங்கிச் செல்லுதல் அதனினும் எளிது."

"பாதுகாப்பு முக்கியமெனில், கரையில் நில் பொக்கிஷம் வேண்டுமென்றால், கடலுக்குள் செல்." - சூஃபி கவிஞர் சாஅதி.

"கடல். கடலுக்குள் கலந்த பிறகு ​உபநதிகளைப் பற்றி ஒரு வார்த்தையும் தேவையில்லை."

View all my reviews

Friday, November 1, 2019

Book Review #22 - When I Hit You or a Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife by Meena Kandasamy

When I Hit You or a Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife by Meena KandasamyMy rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a memoir of an abusive marriage.

Quick Review:

It's a brutal punch in the gut! This is a story that should be told and heard by all.

Narration is fierce, raw and bold. Writer being a poet, her prose is an intense blow on your face.

Read Online - Juggernaut

View all my reviews

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Book Review #21 - Joy: The Happiness That Comes from Within by Osho

Joy: The Happiness That Comes from Within by Osho

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Try to look for happiness, and you are certain to miss it.
Joy was suggested to me a year ago. It was life changing, moving. You can look into yourself, question and look deeper into your inner self.

Here I have listed some major take away from this great book, those who have read this book may find this helpful. the entire post can be seen in this blog:

From The Book:
From the Foreword

But when you have consciousness, two alternatives are possible: Either you can become happy or
you can become unhappy. Then it is your choice. Trees are simply happy because they cannot be
unhappy. Their happiness is not their freedom; they have to be happy. They don’t know how to be
unhappy; there is no alternative for them. The birds chirping in the trees are happy not because they
have chosen to be happy—they are simply happy because they don’t know any other way to be. Their
happiness is unconscious; it is simply natural.

Whatever you do with happiness is a prayer—your work becomesworship; your very breathing has an intense splendour to it, a grace.

Happiness happens when you fit with your life, when you fit so harmoniously that whatsoever you
are doing is your joy. Then suddenly you will come to know that meditation follows you. If you love
the work that you are doing, if you love the way you are living, then you are meditative. Then nothing
distracts you. When things distract you, that simply shows that you are not really interested in those

The teacher goes on telling small children, “Pay attention to me! Be attentive!” They are attentive,
but they are attentive to something else. A bird is singing with all its heart outside the school building
—and the child is attentive to the bird. Nobody can say he is not attentive, nobody can say he is not
meditative, nobody can say he is not in deep concentration—he is! In fact, he has completely forgotten
the teacher and the arithmetic that the teacher is doing on the board. The child is completely oblivious
to all that, he is utterly possessed by the bird and its song. But the teacher says, Be attentive! What are
you doing? Don’t be distracted!
In fact, the teacher is distracting the child! The child is attentive—it is happening naturally.
Listening to the bird, he is happy. The teacher is distracting him, the teacher says, You are not being
attentive—the teacher is simply lying! The child was attentive. The bird was more attractive to him,
so what can he do? The teacher was not so attractive, the arithmetic had no appeal.

We have been distracted into unnatural preoccupations: money, prestige, power. Listening to the
birds is not going to give you money. Listening to the birds is not going to give you power, prestige.
Watching a butterfly is not going to help you economically, politically, socially. These things are not
profitable—but these things make you happy.
A real human being takes the courage to move with things that make him happy. If he remains poor,
he remains poor; he has no complaint about it, he has no grudge. He says: I have chosen my way—I
have chosen the birds and the butterflies and the flowers. I cannot be rich, that’s okay! I am rich
because I am happy. But human beings have gone topsy-turvy.

But people become religious only when they are unhappy—then their religion is pseudo. Try to
understand why you are unhappy. Many people come to me and they say they are unhappy and they
want me to give them some meditation. I say, first, the basic thing is to understand why you are
unhappy. If you don’t remove those basic causes of your unhappiness, you can meditate but that is not
going to help very much—because the basic causes will remain there.

You don’t have anything to put at the stake; only your unhappiness, your misery. Butpeople cling even to that.

If you see the point, that you are miserable in a certain pattern of life; then all the old traditions say
you are wrong—I would like to say the pattern is wrong. Try to understand the difference of
emphasis. You are not wrong, just your pattern; the way you have learned to live is wrong. The
motivations that you have learned and accepted as yours are not yours—they don’t onsci your destiny
They go against your grain, they go against your element.

You have to decide for yourself, you have to take your life in yourown hands. Otherwise, life goes on knocking at your door and you are never there—you are alwayssomewhere else. Existence goes on searching for you. It knows your name, but you have forgotten that name.

“I did,” responded Al. “And your mother told me you were at Disneyland.”
Your destiny can find you in only one way, and that is your inner flowering, as existence wanted
you to be. Unless you find your spontaneity, unless you find your element, you cannot be happy. And
if you cannot be happy, you cannot be meditative.

You have to drop all those patterns that have been forced on you, and you have to find your own
inner flame.

Happiness has nothing to do with success, happiness has nothing to do with ambition,
happiness has nothing to do with money, power, prestige. Happiness has something to do
with your consciousness, not with your character.

What is happiness? It depends on you, on your state of consciousness or unconsciousness, whether
you are asleep or awake.
The body can give you only momentary pleasures, and each pleasure is balanced by pain in the
same amount, to the same degree. Each pleasure is followed by its opposite because the body exists in
the world of duality. Just as the day is followed by night and death is followed by life and life is
followed by death; it is a vicious circle. Your pleasure will be followed by pain, your pain will be
followed by pleasure. But you will never be at ease.

What we call “happiness” depends on the person. To the sleeping person, pleasurable sensations are
happiness. The sleeping person lives from one pleasure to another pleasure. He is just rushing from
one sensation to another sensation. He lives for small thrills; his life is very superficial. It has no
depth, it has no quality. He lives in the world of quantity.

The difference between pleasure and this quality of happiness is that it is not arelief, it is an enrichment. 

This is far higher, far deeper, than the pleasure you gain from food. This has a depth. But
this is also not the ultimate. The ultimate happens only when you are fully awake, when you are a
buddha, when all sleep is gone and all dreaming is gone—when your whole being is full of light,
when there is no darkness within you. All darkness has disappeared and with that darkness, the ego is
gone. All tensions have disappeared, all anguish, all anxiety. You are in a state of total contentment.
You live in the present; no past, no future anymore. You are utterly here now. This moment is all.
Now is the only time and here is the only space. And then suddenly the whole sky drops into you. This
is bliss. This is real happiness.

The more you demand, the more you desire, the more you feel yourself lacking something—the more hollow, empty, you appear to yourself. And the other edge of the sword is that the more you have, the more you are afraid it can be taken away. It can be stolen. The bank can fail, the political situation in the country can change, the country can go communist … there are a thousand and one things upon which your money depends.
Your money does not make you a master, it makes you a slave.
Pleasure is peripheral; hence it is bound to depend on outer circumstances. And it is only titillation.
If food is pleasure, what actually is being enjoyed? Just the taste—for a moment, when the food
passes across the taste buds on your tongue, you feel a sensation that you interpret as pleasure. It is
your interpretation. Today it may look like pleasure and tomorrow it may not look like pleasure; if
you go on eating the same food every day your taste buds will become unresponsive to it. Soon you
will be fed up with it.

Just as leaves grow on the trees, desires and hopes grow in the mind. You wanted a new house and
now you have it—and where is the pleasure? Just for a moment it was there, when you achieved your
goal. Once you have achieved your goal, your mind is no longer interested in it; it has already started
spinning new webs of desire. It has already started thinking of other, bigger houses. And this is so
about everything.

You are not the only one who is seeking pleasure; millions of
people just like you are seeking the same pleasures. Hence there is great struggle, competition,
violence, war. All have become enemies to each other because they are all seeking the same goal—
and not all of them can have it. Hence the struggle has to be total, you have to risk all—and for
nothing, because when you gain, you gain nothing. Your whole life is wasted in this struggle. A life
that could have been a celebration becomes a long, drawn-out, unnecessary struggle.

When you are so wrapped up in seeking pleasure you cannot love, because the person who seeks
pleasure uses the other as a means. And to use the other as a means is one of the most immoral acts
possible, because each being is an end unto himself, you cannot use the other as a means. But in
seeking pleasure you have to use the other as a means. You become cunning because it is such a
struggle. If you are not cunning you will be deceived, and before others deceive you, you have to
deceive them.

People don’t know much about Machiavelli, but they follow him—as if Machiavelli isvery close to their hearts. You need not read him, you are already following him.

The second word to be understood is happiness. Pleasure is physiological, happiness is
psychological. Happiness is a little better, a little more refined, a little higher … but not very much
different from pleasure. You can say that pleasure is a lower kind of happiness and happiness is a
higher kind of pleasure—two sides of the same coin. Pleasure is a little primitive, animal; happiness
is a little more cultured, a little more human—but it is the same game played in the world of the mind.
You are not so concerned with physiological sensations, you are much more concerned with
psychological sensations. But basically they are not different.
The third is joy—joy is spiritual. It is different, totally different from pleasure or happiness. It has
nothing to do with the outside, with the other; it is an inner phenomenon. Joy is not dependent on
circumstances; it is your own. It is not a titillation produced by things; it is a state of peace, of silence
—a meditative state. It is spiritual.

Bliss means you have reached to the very innermost core of your being. It belongs to the ultimate
depth of your being where even the ego is no more, where only silence prevails; you have
disappeared. In joy you exist a little bit, but in bliss you are not. The ego has dissolved; it is a state of
Buddha calls it “nirvana.” Nirvana means you have ceased to be; you are just an infinite emptiness
like the sky. And the moment you are that infinity, you become full of the stars, and a totally new life
begins. You are reborn.
Pleasure is momentary, it belongs to time, it is “for the time being”; bliss is nontemporal, timeless.
Pleasure begins and ends; bliss abides forever. Pleasure comes and goes; bliss never comes, never
goes—it is already there in the innermost core of your being. Pleasure has to be snatched away from
the other; you become either a beggar or a thief. Bliss makes you a master.
Bliss is not something that you invent but something that you discover. Bliss is your innermost
nature. It has been there since the very beginning, you just have not looked at it. You have taken it for
granted. You don’t look inward.

This is the only misery of man: that he goes on looking outward, seeking and searching. And youcannot find it in the outside because it is not there.

You go on seeking bliss in the outside
world without asking the first and primary question: Where have you lost it? And I tell you, you have
lost it inside. You are looking for it on the outside for the simple, logical reason that your senses
open outward—there is a little more light. Your eyes look outward, your ears hear outward, your
hands reach outward; that’s the reason why you are searching outside. Otherwise, I tell you, you have
not lost it there—and I tell you on my own authority. I have also searched on the outside for many,
many lives, and the day I looked in I was surprised. There was no need to seek and search; it has
always been within.
Bliss is your innermost core. Pleasure you have to beg from others; naturally you become
dependent. Bliss makes you a master. Bliss is not something that happens; it is already the case.
Buddha says: There is pleasure and there is bliss. Forgo the first to possess the second. Stop
looking on the outside. Look within, turn in. Start seeking and searching in your own inferiority, your
own subjectivity Bliss is not an object to be found anywhere else; it is your consciousness.
In the East we have always defined the ultimate truth as Sat-Chit-Anand. Sat means truth, chit means
consciousness, anand means bliss. They are three faces of the same reality. This is the true trinity, not
God the Father, the Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost; that is not the true trinity. The true trinity is
truth, consciousness, bliss. And they are not separate phenomena, but one energy expressed in three
ways, one energy with three faces. Hence in the East we say God is trimurti—God has three faces.
These are the real faces—not Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, those are for children, for those who are
spiritually, metaphysically immature. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh; the Father, the Son, the Holy
Ghost—those names are for beginners.

We come with empty hands and we will go with empty hands, so what is the point of claiming so
much in the meantime? But this is what we know, what the world tells us: possess, dominate, have
more than others have. It may be money or it may be virtue; it does not matter in what kind of coins
you deal—they may be worldly, they may be otherworldly. But be very clever, otherwise you will be
exploited. Exploit and don’t be exploited—that is the subtle message given to you with your mother ’s
milk. And every school, college, university, is rooted in the idea of competition.
A real education will not teach you to compete; it will teach you to cooperate. It will not teach you
to fight and come first. It will teach you to be creative, to be loving, to be blissful,

A real education will not teach you to be the first. It will tell you to enjoy whatever you are doing,not for the result,Real beauty is never created by you but only through you. Existence flows; you become only apassage.

Never try to be happy at the expense of another man’s happiness. That is ugly, inhuman. That is
violence in the true sense. If you think you become a saint by condemning others as sinners, your
saintliness is nothing but a new ego trip. If you think you are holy because you are trying to prove
others unholy … That’s what your holy people are doing. They go on bragging about their holiness,
saintliness. Go to your so-called saints and look into their eyes. They have such condemnation for
you! They are saying that you are all bound for hell; they go on condemning everybody. Listen to
their sermons; all their sermons are condemnatory. And of course you listen silently to their
condemnations because you know that you have made many mistakes in your life, errors in your life.
And they have condemned everything—so it is impossible to feel that you can be good. You love
food, you are a sinner. You don’t get up early in the morning, you are a sinner; you don’t go to bed
early in the evening, you are a sinner. They have arranged everything in such a way that it is very
difficult not to be a sinner.


If you are in pursuit of happiness one thing is certain: You are not going to get it. Happinessis always a by-product. It is not the result of a direct pursuit. happiness is that it cannot be practiced. It has only to be allowed, because it is not something that you create. No ambitious person has ever been happy; in fact, the ambitious person is the unhappiest in theworld.If you really want to be a Diogenes, you can be one right this moment, here now. Throwyour clothes

Happiness has nothing to do with success. Happiness has nothing to do with ambition, happiness
has nothing to do with money, power, prestige. It is a totally different dimension. Happiness has
something to do with your consciousness, not with your character. Let me remind you—character is
not you, it is something you have cultivated. You can become a saint, and still you will not be happy if
your sainthood is nothing but a practiced sainthood.

I don’t believe in character at all. My trust is in consciousness. If a person becomes more conscious,
naturally his character is transformed.

if you become a pool of immense energy, undistracted by any worldly thing, it happens. It is more a happening than a doing. And it is better to call it bliss than happiness, because the word happiness makes you think it is similar to what you know as happiness. What you know as happiness is nothing but a relative state.

What the buddhas call happiness is
something absolute. Your happiness is a relative phenomenon. What the buddhas call happiness is
something absolute, unrelated to anybody else. It is not in comparison with somebody else; it is
simply yours, it is inner.

Just stop seeking, and you have found it—because seeking means an effort of the mind, and
Non-seeking means a state of relaxation. And happiness is possible only when you are relaxed.

Happiness is always with you. It has nothing to do with the weather, it has nothing to do with
chopping wood, it has nothing to do with digging a hole in the garden. Happiness has nothing to do
with anything. It is just the non-expectant, relaxed, at-ease state of your being with existence. And it is
there; it does not come and go. It is always there, just like your breathing, your heartbeat, the blood
circulating in your body.
Happiness is always there, but if you seek it you will find unhappiness. By seeking you will miss
happiness—that’s what unhappiness is, missing happiness.

The thing to do is to just come back home and forget all about it. Do something that has nothing to
do with happiness. Paint.

So people are passing from one woman to another woman, to another woman, to another woman;
from one man, to another man, to another man; from one business to another business, from one job
to another job—all in the pursuit of happiness. And strangely, it always looks as if happiness is there
and somebody else is enjoying it, so you start pursuing it. When you reach where you think you are
going to find it, it is not there.

But people are running after everything, thinking that perhaps this will give them what they have
been missing.

Man wants happiness; that’s why he is miserable.

The moment you desire happiness, you have moved away from the present. You have moved away
from the existential, you have already moved into the future—which is nowhere, which has not come
yet. You have moved into a dream. Now, dreams can never be fulfilling. Your desire for happiness is
a dream, the dream is unreal. Through the unreal, nobody has ever been able to reach the real. You
have taken a wrong train.
The desire for happiness simply shows that you are not happy right at this moment. The desire for
happiness simply shows that you are a miserable being. And a miserable being projects into the future
that sometime, someday, some way, he will be happy. Your projection comes out of misery; it carries
the very seeds of misery. It comes out of you; it cannot be different from you. It is your child—its
face will be like you; your blood will be circulating in its body. It will be your continuity.
You are unhappy today. You project that tomorrow will be happy, but tomorrow is a projection of
you, of whatever you are today. You are unhappy—the tomorrow will come out of this unhappiness
and you will be more unhappy. Of course, out of more unhappiness you will again desire happiness in
the future. Then you are caught in a vicious circle: the more unhappy you become, the more you
desire happiness; the more you desire happiness, the more unhappy you become. Now it is like a dog
chasing its own tail.

Have you ever been unhappy here and now? Right this moment—is there any possibility of being
unhappy right now? You can think about yesterday and you can become unhappy. You can think about
tomorrow and you can become unhappy. But right this very moment—this throbbing, beating, real
moment—can you be unhappy right now? Without any past, without any future?
You can bring misery from the past, from your memory. Somebody insulted you yesterday and you
can still carry the wound, you can still carry the hurt, and you can still feel unhappy about it: Why—
why did it happen to you? Why did the man insult you? You have been doing so much good for him,
and you have always been helpful, always a friend—and he insulted you! You are playing with
something that exists no longer. Yesterday is gone.
Or you can be unhappy for tomorrow. Tomorrow your money will be finished—then where are
you going to stay? What are you going to eat? Tomorrow your money will be finished—then
unhappiness arrives. Either it comes from yesterday or it comes from tomorrow, but it is never here
and now. Right this moment, in the now, unhappiness is impossible.

Happiness is where you are—wherever you are, happiness is there. It surrounds you, it is a natural
phenomenon. It is just like air, just like sky. Happiness is not to be sought, it is the very stuff the
universe is made of. Joy is the very stuff the universe is made of. But you have to look straight-on,
you have to look in the immediate. If you look sideways then you miss it.
You miss because of yourself. You miss because you have a wrong approach.
But go on dying to the past and never think of the future, and then try to be miserable—you will
fail! You cannot be miserable; your failure is absolutely certain, it can be predicted. You cannot
manage—however efficient you are at being miserable, however well trained, you cannot create
misery this very moment.
Desiring happiness helps you to look somewhere else, and then you go on missing. Happiness is
not to be created—happiness is just to be seen. It is already present. This very moment, you can
become happy, tremendously happy.

You have to understand one thing: that enlightenment is not an escape from pain but an understanding
of pain, an understanding of your anguish, an understanding of your misery—not a cover-up, not a
substitute, but a deep insight: Why am I miserable, why is there so much anxiety, why is there so
much anguish, what are the causes in me that are creating it? And to see those causes clearly is to be
free from them.

Anything that comes and goes is a dream. Let that be the definition. Anything that comes and never
goes is reality.

Anything that comes from the
outside is not, and cannot be, a joy. Anything that depends on something is not, and cannot be, a joy.
Joy arises out of your very core. It is absolutely independent—independent of any outer circumstance.
And it is not an escape from oneself; it is really encountering oneself. Joy arises only when you come

Once you have learned how to face your misery, you start becoming joyful, because in the process
of facing it the misery starts disappearing and you start becoming more and more integrated

Life is ecstasy. Every child brings it into the world, but then the society
jumps on the child, starts destroying the possibility of ecstasy

Happiness has nothing to do with these things. Happiness is not an achievement, it is your nature.
Animals are happy without any money. They are not Rockefellers. And no Rockefeller is as happy as
a deer or a dog. Animals have no political power—they are not prime ministers and presidents—but
they are happy. The trees are happy; otherwise they would have stopped blooming. They still bloom;
the spring still comes. They still dance, they still sing, they still pour their being into the feet of the
divine. Their prayer is continuous, their worship never stops. And they don’t go to any church; there
is no need. God comes to them. In the wind, in the rain, in the sun, God comes to them.
Only man is not happy, because man lives in ambition and not in reality. Ambition is a trick. It is a
trick to distract your mind. Symbolic life has been substituted for real life.
Watch it in life. The mother cannot love the child as much as the child wants the mother to love
him, because the mother is hung up in her head. Her life has not been one of fulfilment. Her love life
has been a disaster. She has not been able to flower. She has lived in ambition. She has tried to control
her man, possess him. She has been jealous. She has not been a loving woman. If she has not been a
loving woman, how can she suddenly be loving to the child?

Money is a symbol. Power, political power, is a symbol. Respectability is a symbol. These are not
realities; these are human projections. These are not objectives; they have no objectivity. They are not
there, they are just dreams projected by a miserable mind.

What is ecstasy? Something to be achieved? No. Something that you have to earn? No. Something that
you have to become? No. Ecstasy is being and becoming is misery. If you want to become something
you will be miserable. Becoming is the very root cause of misery. If you want to be ecstatic—then it is
just now, here and now, this very moment. This very moment—nobody is barring the path—you can
be happy. Happiness is so obvious and so easy. It’s your nature. You are already carrying it. Just give
it a chance to flower, to bloom.
And ecstasy is not of the head, remember. Ecstasy is of the heart. Ecstasy is not of thought; it is of
feeling. And you have been deprived of feeling, you have been cut away from feeling. You don’t
know what feeling is. Even when you say, “I feel,” you only think you feel. When you say, I am
feeling happy, watch, analyze, and you will find you think you are feeling happy. Even feeling has to
pass through thinking. It has to pass through the censor of thinking. Only when thinking approves of it
is it allowed. If thinking does not approve of it, it is thrown into the unconscious, into the basement of
your being, and forgotten.
Become more of the heart, less of the head. The head is just a part of you; the heart in the sense I
am using the word is your whole being. The heart is your totality. So whenever you are total in
anything, you function from feeling. Whenever you are partial in anythin, you function from the head.

Whenever you are totally into something, you are ecstatic. When you are partially into something,
you will remain miserable, because a part will be moving separately from the whole. There will be a
division—a split, a tension, anxiety.

Yes, joy is mad. And only mad people can afford it. The ordinary sane person is so clever, so
cunning, calculating, he cannot afford joy, because you cannot control it. Just as I have said that a
joyful person cannot be controlled by the society, let me say this also to you: You cannot control your
joy, you cannot control your ecstasy. If you want to remain in control, you will never be joyful; then
you can only be miserable. Only misery can be controlled—by the society, or even by you.
Many people come to me and they say they would like to get out of their miseries, but they are not
ready to move into a state of uncontrol. They want to control joy too. They always want to remain in
control. They always want to remain the master, the boss. That is not possible. The boss has to go. Joy
can erupt in your being only when all control has been removed. Joy knows no control, it is wild.

When you are really happy, your ego disappears. When you are really happy,
suddenly you have a deep feeling of being at one with the whole. When you are miserable you want to
be alone; when you are happy you want to share.

The first thing you do is simply to laugh at yourself, at what an idiot you have been. That misery
was never there; you were creating it with one hand and you were trying to destroy it with another
hand—and naturally you were in a split, in a schizophrenic condition.
It is absolutely easy, simple.
The most simple thing in existence is to be oneself.
It needs no effort; you are already it.
Just a remembrance … just getting out of all the stupid ideas that the society has imposed on you.
And that is as simple as a snake slipping out of its old skin and never even looking back. It is just an
old skin.
If you understand

Why is it so difficult to forgive, to stop clinging to hurts long since past?

The ego subsists on misery—the more misery the more nourishment for it. In blissful moments the
ego totally disappears, and vice versa: if the ego disappears, bliss starts showering on you. If you
want the ego, you cannot forgive, you cannot forget—particularly the hurts, the wounds, the insults,
the humiliations, the nightmares. Not only that you cannot forget, you will go on exaggerating them,
you will emphasize them. You will tend to forget all that has been beautiful in your life, you will not
remember joyous moments; they serve no purpose as far as the ego is concerned. Joy is like poison
to the ego, and misery is like vitamins.
You will have to understand the whole mechanism of the ego. If you try to forgive, that is not real
forgiveness. With effort, you will only repress. You can forgive only when you understand the
stupidity of the game that goes on within your mind. The total absurdity of it all has to be seen
through and through, otherwise you will repress from one side and it will start coming from another
side. You will repress in one form; it will assert in another form—sometimes so subtle that it is
almost impossible to recognize it, that it is the same old structure, so renovated, refurnished,
redecorated, that it looks almost new.

Unless you start living in the present, you will not be able to forget and forgive the past. I don’t
suggest that you should forget and forgive all that has happened in the past; that is not my approach. I
say: Live in the present. That is the positive way to approach existence—live in the present. That is
another way of saying, Be more meditative, more aware, more alert, because when you are alert,
aware, you are in the present.

Awareness cannot be in the past and cannot be in the future. Awareness knows only the present.
Awareness knows no past, no future; it has only one tense, the present. Be aware, and as you start
enjoying the present more and more, as you feel the bliss of being in the present, you will stop doing
this stupid thing that everybody goes on doing. You will stop going into the past. You will

This very moment you can drop all problems because they are your creations.
So have another look at your problems. The deeper you look, the smaller they will appear. Go on
looking at them and by and by they will start disappearing. Go on gazing and suddenly you will find
there is emptiness—a beautiful emptiness surrounds you. Nothing to do, nothing to be, because you
are already that.
Enlightenment is not something to be achieved, it is just to be lived. When I say I achieved
enlightenment, I simply mean that I decided to live it. Enough is enough! And since then I have lived
it. It is a decision that now you are not interested in creating problems—that’s all. It is a decision that
now you are finished with all this nonsense of creating problems and finding solutions.

You are a great problem creator … just understand this and suddenly problems disappear. You are
perfectly in shape; you are born perfect, that is the whole message. You are born perfect; perfection is

your innermost nature. You have just to live it. Decide, and live it.

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